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017 Vice-Sieger Landesgruppen FH with 97 points
2017 German BundesSieger FH Competitor
2018 Landesgruppen FH2 Competitor
2018 Mehlsack Pokalkamph – 5 th place
2018 Landesgruppen Qualifier for German BundesSieger 4 th Place
2018 German BundesSieger – 12 th Place with 95 in Protection
2019 Flutlich Pokalkampf – 3 rd Place with 98 in Protection
2019 LandesGruppen Competitor with 96 in Protection
*** His highest IPO III score is 97/96/100! ***
DOB: November 24, 2014
Color: High Luster Black
Height/Weight: 63.5 cm/75 lbs. in working condition.
Result: Kkl-1a
HD-ZW: 86
Show score: SG
Health results: HD Nearly normal/ ED Normal, DNA checked, Free of Spondy, LUW -) (SV)
Irak is an amazing dog with many High Finishes in trials in Germany. He is multiple times FH2 and has numerous “V” score in Tracking and Protection. Besides being an incredible natural tracker, he is super powerful in Protection as well as biddable in Obedience.
He has lived as a house dog while successfully competing and has wonderful character, EXTREME drives and is 100% sociable with no handler aggression.
He is one of the best Zico von der Adelegg sons going over Vito vom Waldwinkel and thus WUSV world IPO III Champion Tom van’t Leefdaalhof.His dam line is equally impressive going over Yedi, Olex de Valsory,Nick vom Heiligenbuosh and Sid vom Haus Gremm.
Irak is available for live cover or fresh and frozen semen shipped worldwide.
DOB: March 2, 2017
Color: Black and Tan
Weight: 93lbs. in true working condition
Pedigree Number: AKC DN49349409
Breeders’ Association: FCI/SV/AKC
Health results:
Hips: Hips- HD A stamp normal /, Elbows HD A stamp normal
HD-ZW: 81
Ike is a short hair producer

Ike vom Haus Schair- is my proudest specimen produced at vom Haus Schair. Admittedly, he was too strong and powerful for me to work.
I bred him to possess old school color, old school temperament and power!
Ike’s Sire is the WUSV Universal Sieger Satoris Raiko IPO3 SchH3 Kkla. This amazingly versatile dog was in NINE Separate World Championships!
He was first place in 2014 at the WUSV Universal in Slovakia. On the same day Ike’s mother Gipsy was Fifth! He is a 2x’s Hungarian IPO3 Champion with many 2nd and 3rd place finishes as well.
The amazing part is that he was handled in these events by both the husband and wife in separate events!
Satoris Raiko is a product of his breeding. His grandfathers are Kimbo vom Kathago IPO3 SDchH3 FH2 Kkla and Ellute v d Mohnwiese SchH3 FH1 Kkla!
Ikes Dam is the Universal Siegeren Gipsy vom Rosenschlag IPO3 Kkla. Gipsy is now 12 years old and still going strong. She lives in my house and is a renowned producer.
She is a hard female but gentle with family and strangers unless occasion arises to protect.
She is the 2014 GSDCA Universal Siegeren. We traveled the world together competing successfully and she is a perfect dog.
Her highest IPO3 score was 97/96/99-292 points.
Her career is exemplary:
- 2014-5th place in the WUSV World Universal Championship
- 2015-4th place in the GSDCA Nationals- 1st dog to score 100 pts. in tracking in the GSDCA Championships
- 2015-8th in the USCA Combined Qualifier
- 2015- WUSV Team member alternate (I was in the hospital and we could not attend)
- 2016- 2nd place GSDCA Nationals with 96/96/97
- 2016- USCA WUSV Qualifier Competitor
- 2016- 8th place in the RSV2000 World Championship 100/95/93
Other dogs from the I litter vom Haus Schair are V-Izak vom Haus Schair IPO3 FH Kkla and Isabelle vom Haus Schair IPO2 OFA Excellent.
Ike is a powerhouse and is quickly becoming a legend in Southern Germany. He was successful competing with Rienk Heersma in Germany BUT IS NOW HOME IN ATLANTA at STUD.